Thursday, May 26, 2011

Seatools for Windows and DOS 2.20, 2.23 and Nvidia's older nForce 4 (ultra amd) chipset SMART error with Nvidia SW IDE driver

I purchased a new Seagate 1TB 3.5" SATA hard drive and wanted to ensure it was good before using it as my main new hard drive in my most used computer.


Seatools in Windows reports SMART error and my chipset is nForce 4 ultra AMD using Nvidia's IDE driver. The IDE driver is the problem for the SMART fail in Seatools for Windows and poor coding is the reason for Seatools in DOS (and Seagate's software not understanding the Nvidia IDE driver's response to the SMART test in the Windows version).


For the SMART error appearing in Seatools under Windows: remove Nvidia's IDE driver. (Start, Control Panel, Nvidia Drivers, Check Remove only Nvidia IDE). For the DOS crashing of Seatools: use the older text based (non-crashing version) of Seatools to run a test on the drive. Version 1.09PH worked for me no problems.

Long story:

So I started Seatools for DOS 2.20 and did long tests and Seatools would crash, meaning the long test after several hours running would not report a pass or fail and the majority of the graphical interface was still visible behind the text based interface which was in the upper left corner of my screen. The graphical interface crashed and did not reset the resolution or text mode back so that the text screen would show, the one where it tells you about viewing the log or saving to floppy. If I tried to view the log it would give an error message about it being an invalid display mode. I could copy the log to a floppy drive however and view that log which only stated that the long test had started and gave no result or mention of a pass or fail for the test.

So I figured I upgrade to the latest version of Seatools for DOS which at the time of this writing in May 2011 is/was 2.23. Same results except this time for the long test in DOS it would show passed and then it would freeze at the end of the test (couldn't use alt-keys or mouse to exit Seatools). Seatools doesn't like the Nvidia nForce4 chipset it seems.

I should also mention at this point in dos versions of Seatools SMART has not been tripped is mentioned in all versions.

Now in the Windows version of Seatools, All tests would pass except SMART (basic test was the only option I had).  This would say:

SMART - FAIL 5/25/2011 6:14:46 AM
SeaTools Test Code: A9E9E24A

I couldn't find information on this test code but did find some forum thread about Segate's failing the SMART test. This is a brand new drive in fact and I do understand how brand new equipment can fail but I just wanted to point that out. Note that every other hard drive SMART monitoring program I tried reported SMART status had not been tripped (as Seatools for DOS correctly reported) and that the drive is in perfect health after running a scan with diagnostic tools other than Seatools.

Here are two such thread I found:

The latter thread points to the SMART fail as a possible driver issue. Which is what the problem was the Nvidia IDE driver in fact. Removing it and running the Seatools for Windows again did not give a fail. Instead I get:
SMART - Pass 5/26/2011 9:25:19 AM

And for a second and third opinion: I tried HD Sentinel and HDDScan for Windows and the drive is in perfect health and passed all tests including the SMART tests and none of the SMART data on the drive has exceeded any thresholds.

So Seatools for just don't like the Nvidia's IDE driver...and Seatools for DOS (graphical version)...your coding just sucks....Seatools for DOS (text-based) still work with no issues.

All tests now pass once I removed this conflicting Nvidia IDE driver.

General disclaimers:

If you get a report about a SMART failure it may be a false positive from Seagate's Seatools as above with the driver conflict but you should check it out with other diagnostic tools just to be sure you don't actually have a failure.

And, as always, Have a good, verified backup before running any intensive hard drive tests or what not.

More info:


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      The link to the manufacturer's website. I wouldn't trust any diagnostic tools that didn't come directly from the manufacturer. It shouldn't require a key if you download it from the right place.
